

At Emotion Station we investigate the choices people make that bring conflict and turmoil in their life.  Most of the time we see that choices can be patterns and if individuals are not aware of their patterns it can delay growth and development.  Emotion Station teaches conscious awareness with decision making and how our choices affect ourselves and the others close to us.  None of us are exempt from making the wrong choices in our life, but it is making the same poor choices over and over again that bring us setbacks.


Impulsive choices.  These are choices that we really have no intention of making we just act and cannot  control our action. These choices are spur of the moment never looking to the future, what it costs, or who it could hurt.  When we make these choices most of the time, they are self-fulfilling choices satisfying the “I want what I want when I want it mentality.” Sometimes we see these choices made with addictions and process addictions, not being capable of playing the tape forward just caught up in the moment.


Emotional choices.  These are choice we make under the heightened of emotions. It is common when we deal with grief and loss we make emotional choices.  Emotional choices can also be made because people close to us or people we admire make the same choices.   Sometimes we make these choices to make ourselves feel better when we are not doing well.  Life on life’s terms will also influence emotional choices so pending on the card life deals us, the reaction may be an emotional choice.


Rational choices.  These are well executed thought out choices that deserve time attention and process.  We think about the best case scenario we think about the worst-case scenario and we are willing to accept either. Sometimes these choices can take days, weeks, or months to make.  Sometimes we even put in the effort to make a pros and cons list to ensue the choice is the best for our wellness at that time.


If you struggle with making healthy choices contact Emotion Station today to get your journey started on the path to healthier decision making.  Call 239-317-3115 today!!!!!  You can also now find Emotion Station on the Time is Undefeated Podcast.  www.timeisundefeated.net